Isle of Man Society of Chartered Accountants
We organise a range of services for members, including a highly-successful series of CPD courses as well as an annual dinner, social events and discussion groups and representing the interests of chartered accountants on the island to the wider business community.
What’s On Offer
About Us
The IOMSCA is a constituent body of the ICAEW providing local representation and promoting the interests of members of the Institute in the Isle of Man. The Society liaises closely with the Island’s government and regulators and seeks to ensure that the Island continues to be a safe and well regulated offshore centre, offering high standards of service. The IOMSCA also acts as a link between the ICAEW in Moorgate Place and members in the district.
General Practitioners & Business Members Groups
This group is a key element of the Society. It is often the forum at which consultation and other issues are discussed and fed back to the Society’s main committee. The group meet monthly at the 1886 Bar and Grill, Regent Street, Douglas. The meetings are generally every third Thursday of the month at 12.30 pm. The members enjoy a networking lunch followed by a speaker of interest with a question and answer session. Meetings may also involve discussions on topical matters which affect the members. To find out more details, please contact Lynsey Smith at
CPD Training
Courses in Audit and Assurance, Financial Reporting, Charity, Legal, Tax, Tech, etc, offered both as live sessions and on-demand recordings.
ICAEW Isle of Man SCA Information
Guidance for preparers of financial statements under new UK GAAP and Isle of Man company law
Statement of Recommended Accounting Practice (SORP)
Meet the Team

Charlotte Lewis
Chair, Isle of Man Society of Chartered Accountants
IFGL, Group Chief Compliance Officer

Jessica Bulliment
Society Executive, Isle of Man
Jessica can give guidance and information on technical training, ICAEW services and support.